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NSFAS Defunding of LLB Degrees Ruled Legal by Court



NSFAS Defunding of LLB Degrees Ruled Legal by Court

NSFAS Defunding of LLB Degrees Ruled Legal by Court. In the realm of higher education funding in South Africa, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) plays a pivotal role in enabling students to pursue their academic aspirations.

However, budget constraints amid the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic compelled NSFAS to make tough decisions regarding funding allocations. One such decision, the defunding of postgraduate LLB (Bachelor of Laws) degrees, was recently scrutinized in court, culminating in a significant ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA).

Budget Constraints and Decision-Making

The financial strains induced by the prolonged pandemic, coupled with budget cuts enforced by the National Treasury, prompted NSFAS to reassess its funding criteria.

This reassessment led to the exclusion of certain categories of students, including those pursuing postgraduate LLB degrees at institutions such as the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), from receiving NSFAS funding for the 2021 academic year.

Legal Validation by the Supreme Court of Appeal

In a recent landmark ruling, the SCA adjudicated on the legality of NSFAS decision to defund postgraduate LLB degrees. The court affirmed NSFAS authority under the NSFAS Act and deemed the revised funding criteria as a rational response to the economic exigencies precipitated by the pandemic.

Moreover, the court acknowledged the procedural fairness exercised in consultations with pertinent stakeholders, albeit individual student consultations being precluded due to time constraints.

Dismissal of Student Challenges

Three students contested the revised NSFAS eligibility criteria, arguing against the exclusion of postgraduate LLB funding.

However, the court ruled that none of these students met the prerequisites for NSFAS funding, citing reasons such as failure to apply, inability to meet financial criteria, or submission of incomplete applications.

Consequently, the SCA overturned the prior High Court decision and upheld the legality of NSFAS’s actions, thereby affirming the continued implementation of the revised funding criteria.


The SCA verdict regarding the defunding of postgraduate LLB degrees by NSFAS underscores the intricate interplay between fiscal constraints, legal mandates, and educational imperatives.

While the ruling may have disappointed some aspirants, it reaffirms the imperative of prudent resource management amidst unprecedented challenges.

Moving forward, stakeholders must collaborate to navigate the evolving landscape of higher education funding, ensuring equitable access while safeguarding the sustainability of financial aid mechanisms like NSFAS.

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